Happy Make Your Dreams Come True Day!

Happy Make Your Dreams Come True Day!

Today is Make Your Dreams Come True Day! Since it’s also Friday the 13th, you might be picturing this guy making your dreams come true. Wait, no, that’s the wrong scary dude. This is the Friday the 13th guy. But I’m not talking about the nightmare kind of dreams,...
Healing the Writer’s Soul

Healing the Writer’s Soul

We’re pleased to welcome Chandler Baker, author of TEEN HYDE, to the blog today as she discusses how to heal the writer’s soul. “I treated myself in other less machine-like ways, too. I realized that being “on deadline” wasn’t going to be a special...
Untitled Post

Untitled Post

We’re really excited to feature Abigail Johnson, author of IF I FIX YOU, this week as she shares what made the difference in becoming a published author. “I decided to talk about critique partner’s and how they were the one thing that made the most...