Best of AYAP: Engaging the Reader

Best of AYAP: Engaging the Reader

Reader engagement is one of the hallmarks of a great novel. Think about it, you haven’t heard anyone talk about a novel they love without telling you exactly how hard they were drawn into the story. But when reader engagement is such a tricky thing to nail down,...
Best of AYAP: World Building

Best of AYAP: World Building

A story is nothing without setting. Even the most basic of tales include some elements of world building. Little Red Riding Hood went into the woods, Old MacDonald had a farm, the chicken crossed the road. Every novel – from fantasy to the most contemporary or...
Best of AYAP: Character

Best of AYAP: Character

Character is one of the most important aspects of a compelling story… but sometimes they can be ridiculously hard to get right. Character is intrinsically tied to plot, and it can be difficult to separate the two. Yet a character that resonates with readers can...
Best of AYAP: Structure & Plot

Best of AYAP: Structure & Plot

When struck with a shiny new idea, all you want to do is get stuck into creating it into the masterpiece you know it can be. For some of us, that means sitting down and plotting up a storm. For others, it means jumping straight into that first draft. And for some of...
Best of AYAP: Ideas & Openings

Best of AYAP: Ideas & Openings

Beginning a novel is difficult: often we, as writers, will get hit with a brilliantly shiny new idea that just can’t wait. Then one of two things happen. Either it truly was a magical idea and the story simply pours out. Most of the time, however, we founder,...