Best of AYAP: Publication

Best of AYAP: Publication

Today’s post is our last ‘best of’ post, a series that sifted through the almost 3000 posts on AYAP, and brought you some of the best advice we’ve posted to help you on your publishing journey. We hope you’ve enjoyed the series and found...
Best of AYAP: The Query Trenches

Best of AYAP: The Query Trenches

So you’ve finished your novel, polished it to perfection, and you’re starting the journey toward an agent and publication. Whilst we all hope for a quick, painless ride, the reality is that it takes a lot of work to showcase your book in its best possible...
Best of AYAP: The Big Picture

Best of AYAP: The Big Picture

Whilst the nitty gritty of writing craft is undoubtedly important, having writing goals, forming a writing practice and finding inspiration are just as important to achieving those writing dreams. The posts collected below are a mixture of ways to beat writers block,...
Best of AYAP: Editing

Best of AYAP: Editing

So much writing advice focuses on the actual writing — there are many conversations about writing without editing, keeping your butt in the chair, about decisions made during the writing process. When that first, purely creative draft is done though… then...
Best of AYAP: Choices

Best of AYAP: Choices

Writing is all about choices – a story is made or broken by what the author chooses, how they choose to convey it, and even the ways holes they leave behind. Whether conscious or not, the very act of writing involves making millions of tiny choices, and they all...