WoW: Amber Mitchell on DnD and Writing

WoW: Amber Mitchell on DnD and Writing

This past year, I’ve tried to learn more about Dungeons and Dragons and get involved in playing in a group, so today’s WoW guest post is close to my heart. Writer Amber Mitchell talks a bit about her own DnD experiences and how they’ve influenced her...
Sandra Gulland on Teen Life Then and Now

Sandra Gulland on Teen Life Then and Now

I was thrilled when today’s guest agreed to do a post for us here at AYAP. I’ve spent a fair amount of time wondering about the teens of yesteryear and how their lives might compare to those of young people today. Who better than historical novelist Sandra Gulland to...
WoW: L. E. Sterling on Using a Pen Name

WoW: L. E. Sterling on Using a Pen Name

From Mark Twain to Dr. Seuss, I’ve always been interested in pen names. From those who choose to identify with their initials, to writers who develop brand new identities to use when sharing their fictional worlds with readers, I’m so curious to know how...