WOW Wednesday: J.A. Souders

Please welcome Jessica Souders, today’s guest blogger, for our WOW Wednesday feature. Jessica  first began writing at the age of 13, when she moved to Florida and not only befriended the monsters under the bed, but created worlds for them to play...
A Writer’s Toolbox: Prepping for 2011

A Writer’s Toolbox: Prepping for 2011

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”-Agatha Christie With the holidays coming to a close, it’s time to snap out of that food coma and gear up for another productive year, right? Maybe you have plans to work on a new writing project. Or revise...
Beautiful Blogger Award

Beautiful Blogger Award

Thanks so much VB Tremper for bestowing the Beautiful Blogger Award upon us! We are so happy to be a part of a generous, supportive community of writers. Your gesture is an illustration of exactly that. Now, onto some facts about us, as per the Beautful Blogger Award...